Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Grandbaby Is Helping To Save The Earth

Yes, my ten month old grand baby E, has been helping save the earth every since he was two months old. How you ask? Me and his mommy (my daughter) decided that we wanted to leave the earth a better place. I started doing some research on ways we could start doing it and also saving money. I tend to be a bit frugal and that is not a bad thing at all in my opinion. I decided to look into cloth diapers. When my oldest son was born, I was given a one month diaper delivery of cloth diapers. It was great! I put the soiled diapers (pooh and all) in the bucket they provided and they picked up once a week and left fresh, spotless diapers at my door. I loved the service but I could not afford it since I was a single mom living on a very tight budget. I thought of doing this for my daughter but when I found out the price I immediately decided against that and went on researching. I found out that there are different types of cloth diapers now. There are hemp; Chinese pre-fold; Indian pre-folds and pocket diapers. Decisions! We tried the pre-folds but I was not too pleased but the price was right but I quickly went to the pocket diapers. We chose bumgenius. If you have a washer and dryer, cloth is the cheapest and best bet for you. We use the Imse Vimse inserts that you put in the diaper to toss in the toilet if it has pooh and if it does not, we wash with the diapers to reuse. Better bang for your buck there. I bought a lot of the pre-folds and when we decided on the pocket diapers I was wondering what to do with all of the other diapers. Well, I use them at that "time of the month" which saves money and feels so comfortable. I have a 5 gallon pail that hubby bought for $1.50 at the doughnut shop. I bought a gamma lid so the baby can't get it off. I soak my "pads" in cold water and Ivory dish soap until I have enough to wash. I bought our diapers from It is free shipping there if you buy fifty dollars worth of product. I purchased the Vimse from The shipping was a tad high here but I do wash them and reuse so I still feel I am getting a bang for my buck there. So, little E is learning little by little how to help save the earth even though he may not realize it yet.


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